Tuesday, May 26, 2009

On Everything and Nothing

i want to say everything and then nothing because it sometimes seems to be such bullshit, you know? a fight with a loved one that pulls at your heart and is forgotten in a a week but leaves the tiniest scar. a fabulous lover that just doesn't cut it in so many other areas of one's life that you just become bloody bored with the trivial pursuit of something else to do besides tangle and dance. how about the kid that sprung from your own loins that has become an alien and even though you expected it that once they turned the page into teen hood and got bulked and hulked and turned themselves inside out like some creature from star wars? ah well, it all passes, it really does and then you go to a yoga class that kicks your ass and makes you cry and laugh and want to spank the yoga teacher...that's when it's not just bullshit...