Tuesday, May 26, 2009

At the Beach with Judy

no men here, just Judy...that's all a girl needs when she wants to loll around the beach half naked with no mind to take care of a Number. a girl and her dog can have a mighty fine time down on the coast of real Florida. i like paying homage to St. Teresa as often as possible. seeing how she changes with the seasons, what birds from afar are visiting, watching the fiddler crabs as they scuttle ahead of me when pass them on the board walk, what detritus has swept up with the tides. and walking vigorously through the water working, working my legs until they hurt. now, don't get me wrong 'cause being half naked with a Number is glorious but i don't like always like having to tend to another's needs like i used to. i reckon if i put my mind to it i can summon up one of the Men by Numbers for a little activity by just by willing it....

god i love being almost a half century old and almost in control of my own mind!