Have you ever run into someone and after spending some time hitting the highlights of life with them look at them and say, "Gee, you're just like me but you're a dude!" There's a lot of good, bad and potentially ugly stuff that can come from observing this quirk of nature. Sometimes you burst forth with happiness at getting to laugh your ass of with this mirror image of yourself who thinks some stupid thing is just as hilarious as you do. Or when you both notice some minor detail that is invisible to everyone else. But then there's a tantrum thrown and you have to hide your head and secretly admit that you'd have done the same thing and vow to work on that temper of yours...The facets of your personality reflected back at you are endless.
Watching it through the mirror of the man can be enlightening and touching and cringe worthy all at the same time. Do I really do that? It looks like me, sounds like me but with my feline way I am not able to pull off the bigness of the male emotion. I'd like to mimic these at times- like the huge, joyful affection that my Man Twin can properly pull off with people but makes me look like a squeaky mouse. Or the bull that charges through the garden ripping and tearing out everything in his path like a Paul Bunyan but has me trailing quietly behind picking up the pieces. It's exciting! It's fun! And what's more- I don't have to make all the decisions! Someone else can actually match my energy and leave me in the dust....
Here's my top pick in my Men by Numbers game this week: