Sunday, March 22, 2009

Boys: Part One

i am one lucky girl...

it must be true, what Harold says about this being the year of the Heavenly Congruence because all things "suitable and in agreement" seem to be happening right now, not to mention "appropriate".... those words are used to describe Congruence so put heavenly in front of that and all hell could break loose. i mean what's not appropriate about several Fine Young Men from long ago and far away finding their way back into my orbit? they didn't need Facebook or MySpace to get to me....just a desire. i'm all for desire and in fact i'm all for a bit of lusting and fantasy on top of that. being a breath away from my mid-century mark is all the more reason for my silly girl- mind to spark up with sassy thoughts upon opening yet another letter from a long ago love or hearing a voice that used to get my heart racing...

i'm sure i was a terribly petulant girlie , like a whirling dervish blowing through these fellas hearts and minds, sassing back, always wanting my way, no compromising and all that, but i do like to think that my strong physical desires perhaps mesmerized even temporarily their dear brains so i could get away with some of that stuff and that i was fun and interesting and lusted after....

these fellas are part of the timeline of my life: a detour through tallahassee left me breathless over one man, keeping me here far beyond the allotted time in the late 80's. the recent arrival of a note from one of the sweetest fellas i've known has had me thinking for days about my early time in the Air Force when i was just beginning the arduous quest for Knowledge of the Male Brain and needed a steady friend by my side who let me be me, in all my obstinate glory.....ther are the unmentionables as well and i dare not lift the lid for fear of exposure.

to have all these men enter into my orbit at this time in my life is heavenly and i say to all my boys from the seasons of my life, whether i was a good girl or not (you can tell me, i won't cry)

come out come out wherever you are....

Men by Numbers

Friday, March 20, 2009


...some things to say about boys....

here's one-

i am one lucky girl

To Say.....

i have some things to say....